Calm in the Midst of Storm

December 21, 2008 at 7:39 am 1 comment

Today was a calmer day even though Dan had 102.2 F this afternoon.  He does feel some better…still weak, but able to sit or lie on the couch in the living room much of the day.  The special lotion “bath” we gave him last night made him so terribly cold. After Scott had finished wrapping Dan, I said something about he’d do better the next time.  Scott looked at me wide-eyed and said, “You mean we have to do this again??? In the night, the second time Dan awoke, he’d been the plastic wrap mummy for 4 hours.  So, he peeled it off, put on his p.j.s and  and slept peacefully for a couple of hours.  

Today was a  cool, sunny day.  With help from the women of the household, I took an hour for myself this morning…walked down to the quiet beach, sat and watched the waves.  God helps me unwind…heals my soul each time as I drink in the amazing beauty of His creation.  I found myself singing praises to God as I walked back across the sand to return to the “real world” that I live in – the world where Dan has a very bad cancer, the world where my birthday and Christmas are approaching and some of the people I love most in the world are shunning us, the world where there is never enough time or energy to do all the things needed to help Dan, the world where we are separated from our loved ones and home in Romania.

It is also the real world in which our Savior, Jesus Christ,  sits at the right hand of God to talk with God about us — our needs, our pain, our joy, our  dreams, our thankfulness, our weaknesses, our sins.  Jesus once said, “Father, forgive them…for they do not know what they are doing.”  Now, we have the Word of God to help us understand how much God loves us, and how much He wants to bless us.  John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in HIm will not perish, but have life everlasting.”  It occurs to me that if we truly believe in Jesus, we will want to learn more about HIm, and do anything…anything that He asks of us.  —  Anne and Dan

Entry filed under: Cancer's Dark Valley.

Living in a Landscape Artist’s Painting This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Marilyn  |  December 22, 2008 at 6:09 am

    OH, Anne – this makes me so sad today. Those who you love are the ones you love and you must continue to love them even tho we cannot understand them and you hurt so deep down inside yourself. It is a continual giving it all over to God daily. Rick spoke on Forgiveness this weekend. I hope you can listen. Isn’t it strange how the pain of unforgiveness is just as painful as physical pain? Only in heaven will all pain be taken away. And we will remember these pains no more. Thank you for continuing to write – many are reading and praying tho may not be writing to you. Sending you much love on this week of Christmas knowing that God loves you so so much and can carry any and all pain and unforgiveness on Himself.


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December 2008