What DO You Do All Day?

October 11, 2009 at 8:53 pm 2 comments

That was the question asked.  I wonder what people think I am doing here?  My work is not an 8 hour a day job where I teach specific lesson plans, or scrub floors all day.  God has blessed me with a variety of opportunities to serve others.  I am so busy that I have not had time to unpack everything.  When I speak, the house has a hollow sound because I have had no time to measure windows for curtains.  I hope to soon find a kitchen table and chairs.  It’d also be nice to find a bed frame for my mattress.

OK, so that’s some of what I haven’t had time to do, but what AM I doing?  God has sent some sincere people to me who have questions about the Bible.  Because I believe it is important to know what God wants us to do, I always take time to talk with them.  I have done a lot of one on one counseling.   I attend the LST Thursday night parties in order to get to know the Readers.  Some asked to be in my Monday night English Small Group Bible study that begins Oct. 19.

On Sunday evenings, I take the Lord’s Supper to a sweet new Christian who is ill.  Wednesday afternoon, I meet with the counselors to discuss cases.  I meet with the Director of the Red Cross to discuss and approve the use of funds donated to God’s Children.  We are providing some funds for special treatment for a handicapped child who received a walker from us earlier this year.  We are providing medication and vitamins for a little boy whose immune system is very weak.

I write newsletters keeping people informed about the work.  This often results in donations to help the children and elderly here.  When I can steal a 1/2 hour, I unpack a suitcase or box to sort through what is to be given to the Red Cross for the needy.  And, when my emotions well up inside of me because I am still grieving over losing the love of my life, I take time to be alone and allow myself to have my feelings for awhile.  The God of all comfort will see me through this.  — Anne

Csilla, my personal "Bag Lady" took me to the best plastics shop.  I now own a dish drainer, several small trash cans, a mat for the front porch, etc.  Everyone should have a "Bag Lady!"

Csilla, my personal "Bag Lady" took me to the best plastics shop. I now own a dish drainer, several small trash cans, a mat for the front porch, etc. Everyone should have a "Bag Lady!"

Andrea, Reka and Reka were some of the therapists I met with at the Wednesday evening meeting at the counseling center, Pro Nobis.

Andrea, Reka and Reka were some of the therapists I met with at the Wednesday evening meeting at the counseling center, Pro Nobis.

Attila gladly handed me the appointment card saying return 11 Nov. to pick up my visa card!

Attila gladly handed me the appointment card saying return 11 Nov. to pick up my visa card!

Entry filed under: but Not Alone.

House Comes Fully Equipped with Free Watch Dog! Thankful!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sherrie Hammond  |  October 16, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    Wonderful things happening for you, Anne! I am very happy for you! Thank you for explaining all the various tasks God has given you to do for the people in Romania. You must feel fulfilled in your work. It all sounds very exciting and meaningful. I enjoy the photos very much! I know you will feel wonderful getting completely moved in and making your green house a real home. Take care of yourself, sweet mother in the Lord. Steve & I love you very much.
    Sherrie Hammond

  • 2. Lil Kwast  |  October 21, 2009 at 6:27 pm

    When you arise very early in the morning expecting to hear Dan and then realize once again that he’s not there….

    Go to the kitchen and light a candle. Make some hot tea. Sit down near the candle with that good cup of tea, read God’s Word, and pray. As day breaks and the morning light reveals the beautiful countryside, look at your candle and gently blow it out. It did what it was made to do, and its sweet aroma lingers still.

    What do you think about when the word “death” is used? Do words like fear, joy, separation, funerals, heaven come to mind? Death is like putting out a candle because the sun has risen. Indeed the Son has risen!

    May each day be blessed with simple gifts for the soul.


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October 2009